Huang also admitted," We're seeing a higher than what we would like to see failure rate, but if the consumer has a failure to report, I can get it fixed right away. " 黄承认,“目前的故障率比我们希望的要高,但顾客报告了故障,我们就能修复。”
Failure to report a violation of this code is itself a violation of the code. 知情不报同样属于违反本规范的行为。
Damage and failure report for refrigerated unit 制冷装置损坏故障报告
It briefly introduces failure and prevention in Oil and Gas Transmitting Pipeline, and failure accident report writing format regulation at the aboard. 简要介绍了油气输送管道的失效及预防、外失效事故报告规定。
At the start of the month the legislative council subcommittee responsible for investigating the circumstances surrounding the Lehman mini-bond failure delivered its report, which had taken some three years to compile. 6月初,负责调查有关雷曼迷你债券崩盘情况的香港立法会小组委员会提交了一份报告,该报告的编纂用时约3年。
Skip corrupted items and create a failure report. 跳过已损坏的项目并创建失败报告。
Failure to report an injury or accident immediately to Supervisor an accident that causes someone to die. 没有及时向主管报告伤亡或意外事故造成人员死亡的事故。
Failure to report could lead to cancellation of the acquisition, the rules say. 规定称,当事人未予申报,可能会导致并购交易被终止。
The failure to report earnings is a breach of debt covenants. 推迟发布业绩是一种构成违反债券协议的行为。
Buffett, suit jacket bunched up around his ears, explained: The failure to report [ the original attempt to manipulate the bond auction] is, in my view, inexplicable and inexcusable. 巴菲特的西装上衣支楞在耳朵旁边,他解释道:在我看来,没有报告(操纵国债拍卖的最初企图)是无法解释也不可原谅的。
Our failure so to report would be excused. 我们不去报到是情有可原的。
The vast majority of officials would have had no experience of a period of economic turbulence or bank failure, the report said. 报告表示:绝大部分财政部官员都不会经历过经济动荡期或银行倒闭潮。
Therefore, the Chinese side did not present the entire failure investigation report to the IRC. 因此,中方并未将全部故障调查情况告知独立评审委员会。
Leaving the scene, failure to report an accident. 逃离现场,知情不报。
Clinical diagnosis, prevention and treatment of traumatic multiple organ failure: A report of 26 cases 创伤性多器官衰竭临床诊断及防治&附26例临床报告
Hepatolenticular degeneration complicated with acute hematolysis and acute liver failure: report of one case 肝豆状核变性并发急性溶血及急性肝衰竭1例报告
Treatment of Surgical Septic Shock with Multiple Organs Failure ( Report of 41 Cases) 外科感染性休克并发多脏器功能衰竭的治疗(附41例报告)
Metoprolol in the Treatment of Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Refractory Heart Failure 30 Cases Report 美托格尔治疗扩张型心肌病顽固性心衰30例报告
Conclusion The failure to report malaria epidemic situation is serious in Longling. 结论龙陵县疟疾疫情漏报严重。
Epidemic Encephalitis B with Multiple Organ Failure: Report of 48 Cases 流行性乙型脑炎多器官衰竭48例
For the product failures of the refrigeratory, research the algorithm of product policy decision tree and clustering analysis, resulting in a satisfactory failure information report for manufacture departments. 针对冰箱产品故障信息的缺陷,通过聚类分析,并按决策树算法对产品故障进行研究,得出令生产部门满意故障信息报表。
FMS control floor is the key component whose task includes choosing process route, allocating resource, scheduling works, monitoring process, detecting& repairing failure and preparing report of system state. FMS控制层是核心内容,主要用于完成系统的加工路线选择、资源分配、工件调度、监控加工过程、检测并修复故障、准备系统状态报告等任务。
Effect of low protein diet combined with intravenous drip essential amino acids on chronic renal failure ( report of 16 cases) 低蛋白饮食加静滴肾安治疗慢性肾衰(附16例报告)
The zero failure report rate was 3.03% in medical institutions. The repeated report rate of network information was 7.67%. 医疗机构零缺报率3.03%,网络信息重复报告率7.67%;
Chapter ⅱ is focus on the constitution of the crime of failure to report or making a false report to safety accidents, which discussed the main crime, subjective, objective and the object of the crime in turn. 第二章研究不报、谎报安全事故罪构成要件,先后讨论了犯罪主体、主观方面、客观方面和犯罪客体。
In June 2006, the Amendment to the Criminal Law(ⅵ) was adopted, which introduced a new crime named of failure to report or making a false report to safety accidents. 2006年6月出台的《刑法修正案(六)》在刑法中增设了不报、谎报安全事故罪。
Chapter ⅲ reported that the judicial application of the crime of failure to report or making a false report to safety accidents, including the common crime and the issues on the number of crime. 第三章研究不报、谎报安全事故罪的司法适用,包括罪数问题和共同犯罪问题。第四章则针对本罪的立法和司法两方面提出建议。